Episode 13

Published on:

5th Dec 2019

Chapter 13 – How do we become relevant?

Tuesday, September 15 | 57 days until the conference| 225 registrations

The twins were so well tuned to one another, Victor and Catja initially just listened. Victor enjoyed the sun on his face, the birds chirping in the trees.

           ‘What a great starting point…’ started Bor.

           ‘Give them something to talk about,’ Wolf added.

           ‘But then you need to know what they would like to talk about,’ said Bor, who mostly differentiated himself from his brother by moving his hands a lot while he spoke.

           Victor had stopped walking, prompting the others to do the same. He slowly turned the coffee cup around in his hands. ‘I wonder whether there’s much difference between social media and the real world, in terms of interest. We’re not suddenly different people when we go online, are we?’

           Bor made a broad arm gesture, spilling his coffee in the bushes by the footpath, and said: ‘Exactly! It’s the biggest mistake many in our marketing industry make. They don’t realize that customers are no different from themselves. Offline, online, they’re still people like you and me.’

           Wolf added: ‘With very little time, which we mustn't waste.’

           ‘So what we offer them needs to be worthwhile,’ Bor added.

           ‘Don’t stand still,’ Catja said impatiently. ‘The assignment is to keep walking, come on.’ She walked out ahead of the others.

           Bor caught up with her in a few skips, calmly followed by his brother and Victor, after which the four of them were walking side by side again. Their footsteps crunched on the path.

           ‘Okay,’ said Bor, who plucked a flower from a bush and gave it to Catja. ‘You start. When you’re on social media, what do you consider worth seeing?’

           She smelled the flower and put it in her hair. ‘I just want to look at fun things, relax for a bit. I’m busy enough as it is, especially since my internship.’ She threw Victor an apologetic look. ‘I mostly look at funny videos, beautiful fashion photos, or cute animal clips. A few days ago I found a capybara in a bathtub with little chicks, sooo cute.’....


Written by Gerrit Heijkoop & Paula Vos

 Narrated by Kevin Stillwell

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About the Podcast

Trending Topic - Management Novel
We have to do something with Social Media #butwhat? In this exciting and entertaining ‘management novel’, Gerrit Heijkoop reveals the true power of social media. We join Victor and his team, going all in to turn the tide. They get practical tips and...
Victor Van Wely has no use for social media. But now the executive director of NatSoRoPro is facing the biggest challenge yet in his career: organising the annual world conference Rodentia. Things are not looking well. They are far behind on registrations, their budget is depleted and the chairman of the board is losing his patience. Can social media indeed be his savior, as everybody always seems to claim?

In this exciting and entertaining ‘management novel’, Gerrit Heijkoop reveals the true power of social media. We join Victor and his team, going all in to turn the tide. They get practical tips and tricks about social media, experience the pitfalls and discover which fundamental principles lead to success.

Will these insights come in time for the NatSoRoPro? Are they able to save the conference? Why is Victor invited to a late night TV show? And what is the role of his guinea pig in all this?

Written by Gerrit Heijkoop & Paula Vos
Narrated by Kevin Stillwell
Amsterdam, Netherlands

About your host

Profile picture for Gerrit Heijkoop | LOE.tv

Gerrit Heijkoop | LOE.tv

LiveOnlineEvents is on a mission to create more meaningful meetings, conferences and events for you. Spending their days on stage, in front, or behind a camera to help planners and their managers increase the value of their live gatherings. As engaging moderators, program designers and hosts for sticky livestreams, video and podcasts.

Creating seriously good content around conferences and events. Meaningful and interactive.

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- Making your congress more sustainable

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See www.LOE.tv for more info.